Pinball Machines

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Available in stock pinball machines

Prices reflect SUPER BRIGHT LED’s Installed! We also light the flipper buttons and the area right above the flippers. You can save $300 by requesting regular lighting with your restoration. (We don’t recommend it though)

Click the linked game names to see videos of reconditioned machines we have recently sold – this will give you an idea of how the games look when reconditioning is finished! We will take pictures and even a video of the completed machine for your approval before shipping!

To read details about and see pictures of any pinball machine, visit the Internet Pinball Database website.

GREAT NEWS! ALL of our New Stern and Jersey Jack Pinball Machines are sold through our Co-Owner AUTOMATED SERVICES in Milford Ct. We stock most of them right here in TNT’s Warehouse!

DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS Pinball NOW Available to order at TNT Amusements!

Also, see our SPECIAL listing of New Out Of Box Specials–right below this listing.

Updated 2/20/2025
MfgYearPriceNotesIn Showroom
Addams FamilyBally1991$11,999 All time classic…in great shape and extras READY TO GO!!yes
Aliens Standard EditionPinball Brothers2024$7,999 Cash Check or Bank TransferWe have this IN STOCK NOW, brand new in our warehouse!
Avatar Limited EditionJersey Jack2024$12,000 Cash, Check or Bank TransferAVATAR LE is IN STOCK and ready to play!! Collectors Edition is $15,000 and soon! I have a showroom model with low plays for $11,700yes
Avengers Infinity Quest ProStern2021$6,999 Cash Check or bank transferPro in stock ..from the new run….New Premium in crate is $9,699 AND IN STOCK Premium out of crate for $9,399
Cactus Canyon SEChicago Gaming2019-23$7.999 Cash check or Bank TransferNew in the crate and in stock…large full color display…Also we have in stock a Limited (with topper) for $9300.
Car HopGottlieb1990$3,799Old time theme as modern and 50’s scoring options–buy cheaper before we repaint the cabinet for $3000yes
Charles AngelsGottlieb1978$3,699Playfield will have Leds, new logic board, and brand new backglass..reconditioned
CometWIlliams1986$3,999 Cash, check or bank transferamusement park theme classic! Ready to go!yes
CybernautBally1995$2,999Only 900 made! We have ONE left in our warehouse awaiting an order!
Dead Pool Pro Stern 2019$6,999Also Have one with just 100 plays for $6699! also available is Premium $9,499-can get in a weekyes
Dungeons and Dragons The Tyrants Eye ProStern2025$6,999 Cash, Check or Bank TransferLimited Edition being made first $13,000…Premium $9,699 Just need $1000 deposit–LE’s will be in, in two weeks!
Elton John Platinum editionJersey Jack2023$12,000 (cash, check or bank transfer)IN STOCK NOW…..come in and PLAY…its STUNNING! It actually gets BETTER each time you play it!
Collectors Edition $15,000 also In Stock
Elvira Blood Red Edition LimitedStern2023$13,000 (Cash, Check or Bank Transfer)Special…only 500 made—We have ONE LEFT in our warehouse in the crate
Foo Fighters ProStern2023$6,999Pro…takes a week to get in
Premium is $9,499 and in stock We also have a LIMITED EDITION new in BOX for $13,000!!
Force IIGottlieb1981$3,799Rare widebody Space Themed Game–all finished and niceyes
Foxy Lady Cocktail TableGame Plan1979$1,799It’s hard to find a pinball in a cocktail table cabinet! Buy as is working fine without leds for $1400
Godfather 50th anniversary Limited EditionJersey Jack Pinball2023$12,000
CE is $15,000
LE’s and CE’s are IN STOCK NOW Bank transfer or check
-SAVE BIG…(We now have one “open Box LE for $11,000 and an Open Box CE for $13,300)
Godzilla ProStern2022$6,999 Cash check or bank transferPro is in stock at TNT–the new GODZILLA 70th Anniversary is IN STOCK and is $9,499 –the original Premium is now sold out.
Guardians Of The Galaxy ProStern2023$6,999 Cash check or Bank TransferBrand new from the new run–can get in a week
Guns and Roses Limited Edition Jersey Jack2021$8,975 Cash, check, or Bank TransferIN STOCK —brand new!!
Hearts and Spades cocktail TableAllied Leisure1978$1500Cocktail table pinball machine =sold as is working fine
Iron Maiden ProStern2018$6.999 Cash Check or Bank Transfernew in crate…Premium is $9,499…..BOTH in stock NOW!
James Bond 007Stern2022Pro $6,999 & Premium $9,499 Cash, check or Bank transferPro and Premium are in stock NOW — Limited is sold out
James Bond 60th AnniversaryStern2023$15,500We also have available ONE “open Box” left—still in crate but top of box is opened — #82
Jaws ProStern2024$6,999 cash check or bank transferPro is $6999 , Premium $9499–LE’s are sold out
John Wick ProStern2024$6,999 cash, check or Bank transferPremium $9,499 and Limited $12,999 are available brand new.
Jungle LordWilliams1981$3,599Nice shape….alternative backglass…buy before we touch up cabinet but everything else finished for $2800yes
Jurassic Park Home EditionStern2023$4,499 Cash Check or Bank TransferT Rex ejects Ball in top center! Lots of action for a great price! Brand new in crate in warehouse ready for pickup or delivery!
Jurassic Park ProStern2021$6,999 Cash, Check or Bank TransferBrand New In Crate in our warehouse …we also can get Jurassic Park Premium for $9,699 (30th Anniversary are now sold out)
King Of DiamondsRetro Pinball2010$4.199Amazing Reproduction of the classic Gottlieb—only 55 were made! Ready to go!yes
LabyrinthBarrels of Fun2004$10,600 Cash, Check, or Bank TransferTHEY HAVE ARRIVED! IN STOCK at TNT! .And we can ship right away anywhere in the USA by truck! (The topper is an extra $1199). Buy our showroom model for $10.200yes
Mandalorian ProStern2021$6,999 Cash, Check or Bank TransferPRO and Premium ($9499) both in stock at TNT.. We have a Mandalorian Premium only played in our Showroom with 1000 plays for $9000 (it is wrapped up in our warehouse awaiting a sale)!
Metallica RemasteredStern2024$9,499 Cash, Check or bank transferPremium version ONLY. NEW IN BOX..the LE’s are gone..can get in a week
MonopolyStern2003$6,199gorgeous condition..super bright leds and color display and ready to go! yes
Monte CarloGottlieb1986$3,699 Cash check or bank transferRoulette Wheel in center–ready to go!yes
PantheraGottlieb1980$3,199Nice condition and ready to go!yes
Phantom of the OperaData East1990$4,999Spectacular! Will look stunning once we refurbish it! Buy it before we refurbish it, but electronics finished, for $3700yes
Pulp Fiction Special EditionChicago Gaming2023$7,999IN STOCK NOW for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (or we can ship anywhere in the USA)! The LE’s are sold outyes
RavenGottlieb1986$3,199Army themed–buy for $2200 before we add leds, but electronically finished–has updated R rated backglass mylar tooyes
Rush ProStern2022$6,999 Cash Check or Bank transferBrand New! Premium edition is $9499—JUST Manufactured! Both models in stock now!
Sharkey’s ShootoutStern2000$5,599Pool themed like 8 ball deluxe–beautiful and ready to go!yes
Six Million Dollar ManBally1979$3,599buy for $3000 before we touch up the cabinet, but Playfield and electronics finishedyes
Spy HunterBally1983$3,199Ready to go….Buy before we add the LEDS for $2700!yes
Space InvadersBally1981$3,999Classic widebody…LEDS look great…buy for $3200 before we paint it, but everything else doneyes
Star Battle cocktail tableCisco1978$2,499super rare pinball cocktail table plays and looks great
Star Wars Home EditionStern2021$4,499 Cash Check or Bank TransferIN STOCK NOW choose between Regular and Comic Book side art
Star Wars LIMITED EDITIONStern2017$9,999 Cash, Check, or Bank TransferGorgeous Limited Edition in our showroom NOW Come and Play! Lowest price in the country!yes
Stranger Things ProStern2023$6,999 Cash, Check or Bank TransferThe Premium is $9,499—both IN STOCK RIGHT NOW ! Buy our Premium in our showroom that was rented to PINK while in town, for $9000!yes
The GamesGottlieb1983$2,200Fun, easy to play game based on the Olympics-cabinet is painted black –leds already installed-ready to goyes
TommyData East1994$6,999With color display –terrific, with the ball on top! yes
Top ScoreGottlieb1975$600Traded in to us…sort of works…and clean—see in our warehouseyes
Toy StoryJersey Jack2022$9,999 NEW! Cash, check or Bank TransferLimited Edition is IN STOCK NOW in our warehouse!! Get it today! Collectors Edition available for $15,000 in stock now…we have one open box for $13,000…You can buy our showroom LE model for $9,000 that has about 18,000 plays but is like new-yes
Tri ZoneWilliams1979$3,199Sci-Fi theme—This is a SAMPLE machine with different cabinet and playfield artwork! Very few were made! Buy as is working fine for $2200 and restore it yourself!yes
UltramanSpooky2021$5,999Like brand new—with animated topper too! Come in and play! Only 500 madeyes
Uncanny X Men PROStern2024$6.999 (Cash Check or Bank TransferPro is $6999 and is in stock NOW.- we also have the PREMIUM $12,999 Premiums coming in (Buy Showroom Pro for $6,799)yes
VenomStern2023$6,999Pro $6,999, Premium $9,699 and LE $12,999 IN STOCK! We have open box LE for $12,000, an open box Premium for $9,000, and an open box Pro for $6,600yes
Walking Dead PremiumStern2016$8,999Deluxe version…With the super nice Topper too! Like new, and Ready to Go!yes

Please read our FAQ page about shipping and service once the machine arrives at your home, and how the initial warranty and all future service is handled.  We only offer in-home service on machines in our 60 mile radius of TNT Amusements here in Southampton PA.  YOU have to be our Hands, Eyes, and EARS!

NEW SECTION: 6 Collectors & Limited Edition Pinball Machines at Special Pricing!

WOW! Brand New out of the box PINBALL MACHINES in our back Showroom…

All with 15 plays or less:

Stern STAR WARS Limited Edition–LOW Plays–$9,999

Elton John Platinum Regularly $12,000, out of box with under 100 plays $11,500

Toy Story 4 Collectors Edition Regularly $15,000, Special: $13,000–Limited Edition Regular $12,000, Special: $10,600

Godfather Collectors Edition Regularly $15,000, Special: $13,300–Limited Edition Regular $12,000, Special: $10,600

James Bond Premium with $1000 Topper and extras! Under 500 plays $10,000

Venom Limited Edition Regularly $13,000, Special $12,000–Premium Regularly $9,500, Special: $9,000

John Wick Premium Edition Regularly $9,499, Special $8,999

Dead Pool Pro Regularly $6,999–100 plays $6,699

Labyrinth Regularly $10,600….showroom model $10,000

Project and Parts Pinball Machines

 Sold “As-Is” – These are great deals!

Mars God Of WarGottlieb1980$899You get three bodies and two heads. No circuit boards in heads, but playfields are pretty much intact…I believe if you supply the boards you can get one decent machine and have lots of stuff left over! There is only the OUTSIDE backglass in the 2 heads–no warrior glass.
CountdownGottlieb1978$999We only have the Complete populated playfield with everything intact and in excellent condition! Drop it right in to your game
Spring BreakGottlieb1988$399We only have the Complete playfield with all parts…with all small boards underneath playfield but someone cut off the plugs that connect into the head.
Jacks to OpenGottlieb1983$499We have two bodies with almost complete playfields, no coin doors, and one empty head–lots of great parts–no backglass
Charlies AngelsGottlieb1978$499no pcbs….backglass peeling as usual…and the small transformer is missing


TNT Amusements can deliver machines up to a maximum of 65 miles from our shop for a nominal charge. Our own men deliver and set up the machines.

If you are outside this range, it must get shipped by Common Carrier. In some cases, we can also arrange for two men (not TNT employees) to deliver and set up if you are within a 120-mile radius.

We can arrange with nationwide trucking companies to transport your game from TNT to your home anywhere in the USA. We can also ship overseas.

Once a machine leaves our loading dock onto a commercial truck operated by a trucking company, we cannot be responsible for any damage or control the time/date when it gets delivered. They will call you when it is in your area and arrange for a delivery time and date directly with you.   It will be insured however all carriers have a $500 deductible for any claim. This is normal for all common carriers.

When the crated machine arrives, inspect the cardboard, pallet, and wrap. If you notice any damage, make sure the driver takes pictures of it and notes it on your delivery slip. In almost every case, the damage is minimal and can be easily repaired by you, rather than sending the game back. We will do everything we can to assist you with the repair and tips.

Included Services

All games include a 30-day free warranty, one year of reduced-cost on-site service if you are in our service area, and free lifetime phone support. Please remember MOST service you will ever require will be simple and easy to perform with you next to your game and us on the phone. See our FAQ page for full details.

Understand YOUR responsibilities when owning a classic pinball game!

We have service manuals, pinball and shuffleboard parts, video game marquees and more in our Parts section.

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