Special PARTY DEALS for this Coming Week! WOW!
TWO HOUR PARTY FOR UP TO FORTY PEOPLE FRIDAY NIGHT, SATURDAY OR SUNDAY FOR JUST $200 TO $250 INCLUDING USE OF OUR FOOD ROOM –you can order $7 PIZZA’S , get 15% discount on Hoagies from Lee’s Hoagie House AND OUR PARTY HOSTESS will run the entire party for you! Remember, we remain the lowest priced parties in the United States for 38 straight years!
Monday March 24 to Thursday March 27 — Pick any Two Hours for $200 up to 9pm
Friday March 28th 10am to 4:30–Pick any two hours $200
Saturday March 29th 10am to Noon for $250
Sunday March 30th 7pm to 9pm for $250
Monday March 31st to Thursday April 3rd Any Two Hours for $200 up to 9pm
Friday April 4th 10am to 6:45–Pick any two hours $200, 7pm and later is booked
Saturday April 5th 10am to Noon or 7pm to 9pm for $250
Sunday April 6th 10am to Noon or 4:45pm to 6:45pm for $250 each